How to Create Google Web Stories in Bulk

What are Google Web Stories?

Web Stories on Google are built on AMP and are wholly owned by Google. Full-screen, interactive videos can be hosted on your domain. The option to upload them on your site is what separates them from other story experiences, like Instagram or Facebook stories. Google Web Stories also allow you to use clickable links, CTAs, and Google AdWords.

Share brand narratives with consumers by creating independent story panels with videos, images, and other features. Users can also explore Google Web Stories in Google search, pictures, and the Google Discover app for iOS and Android. When you have complete control over your Google Web Stories content, you can use search engine optimization features and this innovative storytelling form to your fullest potential. All you need to get started with Web Stories is a familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, a text editor to create your stories, and a web browser to test them out.

Benefits of Google Web Stories

1. It Boosts SERP Rankings

Google Web Stories are a fresh way to rank top in search results. Google Web Services can help your business rank on SERPs and achieve the top in pictures, apps, and discovery.

2. Your Stories Appear Directly in Search Results, Attracting Maximum Web Traffic

Google Web Story is mobile-friendly. It is comparable to Instagram stories and allows marketers to add tales directly to WordPress Websites. AMP content is placed in search results and can be viewed by millions across the web, unlike Instagram’s traditional “Stories”. Google bills Web Stories as “completely immersive” and full-screen, increasing the user experience. Google Web Stories can be seen online but exclusively on the creator’s website. The tale can drive visitors to your website instead of social media, and there are no content limits, unlike many apps.

3. It Enables SEO Best Practices

A different URL for each Google Web Story lets organizations combine the best SEO principles, allowing them to create more engaging content when met. Google can rank in Google Search, Google Images, and Google App.

4. Sharing is Easy

Web stories allow us to generate content quickly from a technological standpoint, with uniform user interface controls that facilitate content sharing. Each Web Story can have 30 words of relevant, shareable content. Creating material is also straightforward.

5. Users can Interact

Google Web Stories can incorporate interactive components like quizzes and polls, but their use is limited by users’ technical abilities and not all Web Story authoring platforms enable them. Web Stories are immersive, so adding interactivity may be fun.

6. It Takes Less Time to Load Pages

Google Web Stories load quickly, keeping users engaged. As one stays involved with their consumers longer and entertains or informs them, sales conversions are optimized.

7. The web Stories are Monetizable

Google Web stores are a pre-modern technique to reach your visitors. It helps publishers monetize with full-screen advertisements and affiliate links. Moreover, it allows publications and marketers. Through Google Web Stories, advertisers can reach their audience with a new and modern storytelling experience and turn them into paying consumers.

8. External Linking

Content providers can link to other websites in Google Web Stories. It helps marketers boost their websites’ authority because content providers can’t be dissuaded from external linking.

9. Optimizes User Experiences and Quantifies ‘Story’ Output

Web Stories, like web pages, can be linked to various analytics services, including Google Analytics. Google provides more tracking and user analysis than other social media story types. It makes Google Wen Stories a lucrative, measurable, and optimizable marketing tactic.

10. Real-Time User Notifications and Interaction

The Web Story’s ‘live story’ property tells users when they add a page in real-time. The tool can help brands share their newest news and advancements.

11. Customize Branding

Web Stories must meet technical requirements but have no design restrictions. Marketers can choose typefaces, colours, animations, and pictures that match their brand’s style.

12. No Time Restriction

Web Stories don’t expire like Google My Business posts. After seven days, the tales are automatically erased and won’t get lost in a timeline. Users can feature Web Stories as long and prominently as they choose.

Types of Method to Create Google Web Stories

There are two methods to create Google web stories.

  • Manual
  • Automate

How to Create Google Web Stories Using Automation

Step 1. Since Web Stories are essentially just online pages, they are subject to the same standards and recommendations as any other web page. You can do one of two things

Step 2. Choose from a variety of story editors’ features to start writing without having to learn how to code.

Step 3. You can launch an AMP deployment with existing engineering resources.

Step 4. After the story is constructed, double-check that the Web Story conforms to AMP standards. When reading an AMP story, make sure it follows all of the guidelines. It offers the users the best possible performance and speed by having the story served from the AMP cache.

Your Web Story can be validated for AMP compliance with the help of these tools. A Web Story is a multimedia presentation that uses moving pictures, still pictures, graphics, sound, and other media to create a story and impart knowledge.

It is great for those that want shorter, more aesthetically appealing pieces of information. The story is represented by amp-story, the page by amp-story-page, and the layers by amp-story-grid-layer; all three are interpreted as AMP components.

Step 5. Adding the amp-video extension to the header will enable video playback in AMP Stories. With CSS, you may use the style amp-custom component to apply custom styling to your stories.

Step 6. If you want your Web Stories to show in Google Search or Google Discover, you’ll need to provide the metadata necessary to surface the Web Story in the preview. Use the Google Test Tool for Web Stories to ensure your preview displays properly. It is crucial to remember that every Web Story must include a publisher-logo-src, poster-portrait-src, title, and publisher.

Step 7. You can make a Web Story even better by giving things on-page animation entrances. Titles may be made to do amazing things, like drop into the page from the left, float in, fade in, etc.

Due to the reliance on AMP in creating Web Stories, the AMP HTML you use must always be correct. Validating AMP pages can be done in a few different ways. Switching to “development mode” enables the AMP Validator.

Step 8. By opening the Developer Console in your Chrome, check there are no AMP problems. If you do not see validation messages, try refreshing your browser

How to Setting Up the Story?

Download the Code

The code is downloaded as a zip file at the following address: /static/files/tutorials/

Obtain the files out of the zip file. The amp-pets-story folder contains all the necessary media and information for making the tale. Our story will begin with the pets.html file. You may find the finalized version of the narrative in the pets-completed.html file.

Activate the sample page

Accessing the files via a web server is required to test our example, Web Story. Multiple options exist for spinning up a quick, in-house web server for development and testing. You can refer to “Web Server for Chrome” by downloading the Chrome app on Google, a Python web server running on your computer’s local area network, Apache or nginx.

After you’ve set up your local web server, you may preview the final version of our Web Story by visiting the following URL.


Understanding Parts of an AMP Story


A Web Story is a full-screen visual story that tells information with images, videos, graphics, audio, and more. Users that want short, visually stimulating pieces of information would love this. Web pages are the building blocks of any Web story. These pages are built out of simpler ones using AMP and HTML as building blocks. The story is expressed by amp-story, the page by amp-story-page, and the layers by amp-story-grid-layer; all three elements are translated into AMP components.

Starting our Story

The amp-story component contains Web Story’s pages. The amp-story part also handles motions and navigation. Like all custom AMP components, the amp-story script must be added to the AMP document.

amp story

Add the following script to pets.html’s <head> section.


<script async custom-element="amp-story"



Include the <amp-story> element to the <body> of your file, and specify the compulsory standalone attribute, like so:


<amp-story standalone>



Remembering that the amp-story component is the only child of the <body> element in a good AMP story is vital.

Specific metadata is needed to find stories online, such as

  • In HTML, the title element specifies the name of the current section of the document (e.g., “Joy of Pets”).
  • The publisher attribute specifies the publisher’s name, e.g., “AMP tutorials”.
  • The attribute publisher-logo-src contains the publisher’s logo.
  • The poster-portrait-src attribute specifies a poster image of the story. Remember that it needs to be a portrait image with a 3:4 aspect ratio.

Here we include the attributes of our amp-story tag.

<amp-story standalone

title="Joy of Pets"

publisher="AMP tutorials"



Creating the Cover Page

<amp-story-page> is a Web Story page. One or more amp-story-page> components can hold a story’s screens within an amp-story. The first page in document order is first in Web Story.

Write the <amp-story-page> element as a child of amp-story to make a page. Give a page ID and unique ID of the cover.

<amp-story standalone

title="Joy of Pets."

publisher="AMP tutorials"



<amp-story-page id="cover">



Layers on a Page

AMP story pages use layers to produce visual effects. The bottom Layer is the first, and so on. The cover page has two layers

Layer 1: Background picture

Layer 2: The story’s title and byline.

Creating Layer 1

Let’s layer our cover page. The Layer contains a full-screen image.

Add <amp-story-grid-layer>. To fill the screen with the image, set amp-story-grid-template=”fill” Layer’s attribute. Inside the Layer, add a responsive amp-img element for cover.jpg with 720 x 1280 px size.

<amp-story-page id="cover">

<amp-story-grid-layer template="fill">

<amp-img src="assets/cover.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"






You can open and see the page in your browser.

Creating Layer 2

We need a second layer with a heading and byline. Let’s add our second Layer by repeating everything we did for the first, except this time, we’ll use the vertical template instead of the fill template. Let’s learn about templates and how to arrange AMP and HTML elements in an <amp-story-grid-layer>.

Laying out Elements With a Template

<amp-story-grid-layer> grids its children’s features (based on the CSS grid). Choose a layout template to organize the children.

Fill Template

The activated fill template causes the Layer’s first child element to take up the whole viewport. Any additional children on this tier are hidden. Images and videos can benefit from using the fill template as a background.

<amp-story-grid-layer template="fill">

<amp-img src="dog.png"

width="720" height="1280"





Vertical Template

Vertical templates place children along the y-axis. The top-aligned items fill the x-axis of the screen. The vertical template stacks components vertically.

<amp-story-grid-layer template="vertical">

<p>element 1</p>

<p>element 2</p>

<p>element 3</p>


Horizontal Template

The horizontal template arranges children along the x-axis. Elements start at the top of the screen and fill the y-axis. The horizontal template lets you stack components horizontally.

<amp-story-grid-layer template="horizontal">

<p>element 1</p>

<p>element 2</p>

<p>element 3</p>


Thirds Template

The thirds template the screen into three equally-sized rows for content. You can also designate a grid area to select your content’s upper-, middle-, or lower-third. If you have two-layer components, you can specify one for grid-area=”upper-third” and the other for grid-area=”lower-third.”

<amp-story-grid-layer template="thirds">

<h1 grid-area="upper-third">element 1</h1>

<p grid-area="lower-third">element 2</p>


Templates let you visually arrange text on the screen. However, screen readers can still read it that appears in the markup. Make that your document’s markup content order is sensible, regardless of visual presentation.

Adding More Pages

Adding more pages in “The Joy of Pets” story is very similar.

Page 1: Cats

It features only one Layer.

It uses a vertical template

Made up of these three parts:

The heading 1: “Cats,”

An amplifier with good response -img (cat.jpg, 720 x 1280px) (cat.jpg, 720 x 1280px)

It is an <q> element for a quote: Dogs come when they’re called. Cats, take a message and get back to you. —Mary Bly

Page 2: Dogs

Layer 1 includes a responsive amp-img and implements the fill template (dog.jpg, 720 x 1280px).

The second Layer uses the thirds template and contains these two components.

The <h1> element titles “Dogs”.

This text is contained in an <p> element that defines a grid area in the bottom third of the page. Dogs were probably the first tame animals. They have accompanied humans for some 10,000 years. Some scientists assert that all dogs, domestic and wild, share a common ancestor in the small South Asian wolf.

Page 3: Birds

It consists of three distinct layers:

  • Layer 1 includes a responsive amp-img and implements the fill template (bird.jpg, 720 x 1280px).
  • The second Layer, which is vertical template-implemented, consists of just one component:

The title of the (h1>) element: Birds

  • The third Layer is the vertical template implementation, and it has one component:

It is an <q> element for a quote: A bird is three things: Feathers, flight and song, And feathers are the least of these – Marjorie Allen Seiffert

The class=”bottom” attribute on the third level makes the child elements sink to the bottom of the viewport.

Audio is played in the background as the page loads. There is an option to have background music or sound play for the entire story or just one page. Background audio can be played by including the assets/bird-singing.mp3 attribute in the amp-story-page> element. Ensure the same information communicated in the audio is also conveyed in text for users who may not be able to hear it or keep their sound off, such as when using a podcast or other audio content.

Page 4: Rabbits

It consists of three distinct layers:

  • The first Layer uses the fill template and has an adaptive amp-video (rabbit.mp4).

Ensure the amp-video component’s necessary script is included in your head> section.

Specify a poster art (rabbit.jpg). The characteristic must be present in valid AMP stories.

Use the autoplay attribute to have the video start playing instantly. The property must be present to be an official AMP story.

The loop attribute causes the video to play back continuously.

The width and height should be 720px and 1280px, respectively, and the layout should be responsive.

  • Layer 2 is the vertical template implementation and has one component:

The title of this < h1> element should be “Rabbits.”

  • There is only one component in Layer 3, which is responsible for implementing the vertical template:

Some text inside a <p> tag, specifically: Rabbits can learn to follow simple voice commands, come when called by name, and are curious and playful.

Child items can be aligned to the bottom of the screen by adding the bottom CSS class to the Layer.

Animating Elements

You can apply an animation to an element’s entry by setting its animate-in attribute to one of the animations presets’ values. Add animate-in=”drop” to a text element, for instance, and you can “drop” it onto the page:

<amp-story-page id="page3">


<amp-story-grid-layer template="vertical">

<p animate-in="drop">Drop this text into the page</p>


Animate-in-delay and animate-in-duration properties let you control animation timing. In the next example, my-element flies in from the left after .3 seconds and completely within. 5.

<amp-story-page id="my-page">


<p class="my-element"




I'm going to fly into the page from the left!



Animating the Last Page

Our last Web Story page has two layers: an animal collage and banner text. Add this code after your previous narrative page to create this page.

<amp-story-page id="page5">

<amp-story-grid-layer template="vertical" class="noedge">

<div class="wrapper">

<amp-img src="assets/cat.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"




<amp-img src="assets/dog.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"




<amp-img src="assets/bird.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"




<amp-img src="assets/rabbit.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"






<amp-story-grid-layer template="vertical" class="center-text">

<p class="banner-text">Pets can lower your stress levels!</p>



First, we’ll animate the banner text to “whoosh in” from the right. Include animate-in=”whoosh-in-right” to the <p> element like:

<p class="banner-text"


Pets can lower your stress levels!</p>

Check that the banner appears when you reload the story page in your browser. Next, you can bring in a gradual glimmer of each image. Add animate-in=”fade-in” to all of the amp-img elements.

<amp-img src="assets/cat.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"





<amp-img src="assets/dog.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"





<amp-img src="assets/bird.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"





<amp-img src="assets/rabbit.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"





Each of the images gradually fills in as you reload the website. Changing the tempo of these animations will have a noticeable impact on the overall visual appeal.

Let’s tack on .4 seconds to the time it takes the text banner to load fully before the first image loads. After the initial image has loaded, the next three images can load 0.2 seconds later. Each amp-img element should have an animate-in-delay attribute set to a specific duration value. It is how your code should read:

<amp-img src="assets/cat.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"






<amp-img src="assets/dog.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"






<amp-img src="assets/bird.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"






<amp-img src="assets/rabbit.jpg"

width="720" height="1280"






Validating Your AMP HTML

Validating your AMP HTML is essential for creating error-free Web Stories. It can be done in different ways. Here we’ll learn how to activate the AMP Validator by switching to developer mode. The developer mode can be activated by appending the following fragment identifier to the end of the URL and refreshing the page:


Refer to http://localhost:8000/pets.html#development=1

You can check for AMP issues by using the Chrome Developer Console. Verification messages may appear once you reload your browser. If there are no problems with your page, you will notice “AMP validation successful.”



View Story

Online Services to Create Google Web Stories

There are many online portals where we can create web stories. Some of the top services are mentioned below.

1. StorifyMe

StorifyMe is the first and only universal platform for sharing tales across the web, apps, and social media. Internet business uses product-tagging, website widgets, and story-based landing pages. When it comes to marketing, StorifyMe’s personalization option is the best. In terms of search engine optimization (SEO), text transformation, and content correction editor, StorifyMe is a perfect fit for publishers and bloggers. As a result, you can access a one-of-a-kind web-based storytelling platform that supports content creation, infinite dissemination, and sophisticated analytics. It offers.

  • SEO benefits
  • Split-testing variations
  • Guarantees no limits on linking or sharing
  • A lot of exciting features
  • Create a brilliant funnel diagram.
  • Provide options for tailoring stories to specific audiences
  • Shopping with high-tech measurement devices and fun extracurriculars
  • A widget on its website that enables users quickly access summaries of featured stories
  • Analytics for web-based tales

StorifyMe provides a robust editor with rich media and stock libraries, the option to tag and sell things directly from stories, opening up a new sales channel, AMP and SEO support, and utilizing tales as ideal funnels and landing sites. The story widget may be quickly embedded on your website and comes in various sizes. It is crucial to have this function if you want your business or online shop to get noticed. StorifyMe is an excellent web story platform because of its ideal solutions for organizations and its support for APIs.

2. Ampstor

Ampstor is an incredible and free narrative-building platform. Managed by a young and talented team of creatives that have designed a delightful venue for publishers. You can find some lovely templates on Ampstor, whether you’re into travelling, animals, or food. You, as a publisher, can create a unique identity for each of your tales and publish them on your portals. Mobile-friendly, with webpage integration; includes free hosting on Ampstor, FTP upload, and access to code; optimized for use on mobile devices. You have the option to include a link with the CTA button, and this function is something that the publisher’s website can utilize for sponsored content if you take advantage of it.

The disadvantages include a lack of product tagging, interactive aspects, analytics, few opportunities to amend stories or add media, and a complicated user interface. Although the site is not designed with e-commerce in mind, it may interest you if you are interested in blogging or telling stories. You will find a lot of beautiful examples and ideas for creating your story if you look through their library and look for them.

3. Make Stories

The platform has an extensive collection of books. The audio function of this platform is, without a doubt, the cutest aspect of the whole thing. The marketing of movies and concerts could benefit from the utilization of this tool. When you make a narrative, one of the great things you can do is add an audio effect or insert a tweet from your Twitter account.

In contrast, no features turn visitors into customers, such as product labelling or exciting aspects. Although it is marketed as an easy-to-use platform, this one works best for groups that include at least one developer. However, they have come up with a solution for this problem. Once a week, for one hour, the company’s founding team gets together on Google Hangouts and offers to their clients to walk them through the app and explain how it works.

This platform displays your narrative actions if and only if you have previously set it up using amp-analytics. The fact that it is possible to attach the measuring tools is a positive feature, but the procedure itself takes a long time. Those individuals who do not have exceptionally high expectations about the quality of online tales may find that this source meets their needs adequately.

4. Tappable

Tappable is a valuable branding tool that helps increase awareness, and you can use it if you want to. Tappable is now available for free as a beta version; however, pricing information is not displayed. This platform provides a detailed branding experience and a good story preview in its editor, both of which have adjusting capabilities. It offers excellent functionality. The optimization of search engine optimization could be one of the positive aspects of this. Tappable is advertised as an engaging platform, but it does not have exciting elements that will drive customers’ voices to be heard; only CTA links are allowed.

5. Storyly

Storyly offers app-based solutions; the only way to sign up is if you already own an app. It does not have a limitless capacity for use like the other companies discussed earlier. This platform has certain inconsistencies, such as inadequate and sluggish editing, a lack of available libraries, and the ability to add media. They only have four exciting parts, one of which is a call to action, but they lack the benefits of product tagging and SEO. Another flaw is that there is a limited amount of characters; if you need to compose a sentence that is longer than the allotted number of characters, you are forced to utilize another text element, which is frustrating and upsetting. The cost of Storyly is high for what it offers.

Best Companies For Web Hosting

You need web hosting where you can run your website to create web stories or create them on google blogger, but if you want to make in bulk, the blogger has a limitation, you can’t create a bulk with a blogger; they have to buy an excellent web hosting to run the website.

1. HostGator

HostGator provides all the fundamentals of web hosting at an affordable price and with a 45-day money-back guarantee. HostGator simplifies creating an essential business website with information about products, services, “our story,” and so on. HostGator provides a comprehensive knowledge base for technical assistance. If you still can’t find what you are looking for, feel free to contact the company via phone, chat, or email. Unlike some hosts, HostGator’s plans offer access to customer assistance. You have found the best host for your needs if you are looking for a low-cost option that assists.

In addition to Linux hosting, HostGator also provides Windows hosting and other upgrade choices like cloud hosting, VPS hosting, managed WordPress, and a dedicated server. Shared Hosting is $2.64/month for a 3-year contract.

2. A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting stands out when comparing web hosts due to its lightning-fast speeds and affordable costs. The company has built its reputation on this. Compared to other hosts, A2 Hosting is the fastest across the board, including in the shared, VPS, and dedicated categories. Moving to A2 from another shared web host will likely increase your site’s loading speed. Their Turbo Servers are available to those on the Turbo Boost and Turbo Max plans. They claim it is 20 times quicker than their previous servers.

The uptime guarantee of 99.9% that comes with all A2 Hosting plans ensures that your website will never be offline for long periods. Site migration is included at no extra cost in all pricing tiers. It is a terrific offer if you have set up your site on a subpar host and now want to move it. You can avoid spending many hours fixing your website from scratch. The staff at A2 Hosting will handle everything on your behalf. You can install widely used content management systems like WordPress, Magento, and Drupal with a single click, just like many other web hosts.

3. InMotion

InMotion is your VPS host (VPS), and they have great prices and customer service. VPS gives you greater server control than shared. It is beautiful, but server configuration requires expertise. InMotion offers managed VPS plans if you are not comfortable with the command line. They will address IT and security. InMotion VPS gives optional root access for developers. Moreover, you can make server modifications without upgrading.

InMotion’s 90-day free trial lets you test out support. InMotion offers managed Hosting, excellent support, and the newest technologies. Ecommerce is great. With InMotion VPS, your site can handle traffic spikes. The hosting platform has fail-safes. InMotion will immediately restore your site on a server in the same cluster if your server crashes. You won’t need SSL certificates to protect customers’ credit card info. All InMotion VPS plans have AutoSSL, which enables this important protection with a single click. VPS hosting from InMotion delivers your site speed and security.

4. SiteGround

SiteGround is primarily considered to be the best WordPress hosting service available. Your WordPress site will run quickly and securely thanks to their custom-built optimization and protection tools. You can trust them since they offer the most excellent round-the-clock technical assistance in the business and are officially endorsed by the hosting community. SiteGround is chosen as the web host for the WPBeginner website. SiteGround provides convenient tools like one-click staging, GIT version control, free CDN, free SSL, automated updates, daily backups, and built-in WP caching. They have 6 data centres in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia, making them one of the few organizations that provide location-specific Hosting. In addition, readers of WPBeginner can save 63% off the regular price.

5. Pagely

Are you searching for a managed WordPress host? Look no further than Pagely, the first and most significant. Amazon Cloud supports its dependable server infrastructure. By taking advantage of this, you can get the same high levels of performance, redundancy, and scalability enjoyed by the world’s leading businesses without the hassle of managing the underlying infrastructure. Focus on running your business as Pagely takes care of the technical details like automated upgrades, PressArmor protection, and daily backups.

They offer first-rate assistance from WordPress professionals. It is why thousands of companies, like Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, and Vonage, rely on them. Pagely provides WordPress security for anyone, whether a person, a small business, or a major corporation.


Marketers can reap many benefits from Google Web Stories if they learn to maximize the format’s storytelling potential. Web Stories are not time-bound and can be shared on various social media sites. There are a lot of positive results that can result from using Google Web Stories for your brand. You, the brand, are the sole owner of all content and intellectual property created. External factors have not imposed any limitations. Content published online outlasts that which is shared on social media. They also aid in expanding your online exposure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Google web Stories Cost-Free

Yes, you can start making Google Web Stories without spending a dime and with many fantastic options.

Are web Stories Worthy

Web Stories are worth a try if you want more organic exposure for your brand.

What is an Appropriate Length for a web Story

Incorporate a whole storyline and use standard storytelling techniques to keep your readers interested. Avoid using more than 90 characters for the title.

What is an AMP Story

AMP Stories is a visual narrative format for use on the public web. Each story provides the reader with interactive, full-screen content that may be tapped on for further exploration.

Is AMP Mandatory for Online Articles

Unlike AMP pages, Web Stories do not provide a companion HTML page. Website stories are written in HTML. Despite being developed on the AMP architecture, they are independent.

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