What is Array in VBA

What is Array in VBA Excel?

An array in VBA Excel is a collection of data items that are stored in a contiguous block of memory. It is a data structure that allows you to store and manipulate multiple values using a single variable. An array is a series of boxes or containers that can hold data, and an index number identifies each box.

Arrays can be declared in VBA using the Dim statement and specifying the number of elements and the data type. You can declare an array with a fixed or dynamic size, where the size can be changed during runtime. Arrays in VBA Excel can be one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or multi-dimensional, depending on the complexity of the data you are working with.

What are the Benefits of Array in VBA Excel?

Benefits of Arrays:

Here are some benefits of using arrays in VBA Excel.

1. Efficient use of Memory

Arrays allow you to store multiple values of the same data type in a single variable, which can significantly reduce the amount of memory your code requires. It can be beneficial when working with large datasets, as it helps to optimize your code’s performance.

2. Simplify Code

Using arrays can help you simplify your code by eliminating the need for multiple variables to store related data. This not only makes your code easier to read and understand, but it can also make it more efficient by reducing the number of lines of code required.

3. Flexible and Versatile

Arrays are a flexible and versatile tool that can be useful in various ways to solve different programming problems. Whether you need to store data in a linear or multi-dimensional format or dynamically resize your array during runtime, arrays can handle a wide range of tasks and make your programming experience more enjoyable.

How Many Types of Arrays are there in VBA?

Types of Arrays in VBA

There are several types of arrays that you can use in VBA Excel programming. Below are a few most common types:

1. One-Dimensional Arrays

These are the most basic type of arrays, and they allow you to store data in a single row or column. They can help keep simple lists or arrays of data.

2. Multi-Dimensional Arrays

These arrays allow storing data in multiple rows and columns, creating a grid-like structure. You can use these arrays to store more complex data structures such as tables or matrices.

3. Fixed-Size Arrays

These arrays have a predetermined size that is set at the time of declaration. Once the array is made, its size cannot be changed.

4. Dynamic Arrays

These arrays can be resized during runtime using the ReDim statement. It can be helpful when you don’t know how many elements you need to store.

5. Jagged Arrays

These arrays are arrays of arrays, where each element in the array is another array. They can be helpful for storing data of varying sizes and offer greater flexibility than traditional arrays.

See More:  Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Office 365

How to Use Array in VBA Excel? | VBA Complete Tutorial

1. VBA Array Declaration

To declare an array in VBA Excel, use the Dim statement followed by the array name and the number of elements. You can specify the data type of the array elements as well. Here’s an example.

Dim myArray(5) As Integer

This creates an array called “myArray” with five elements of the Integer data type (indexes 0 to 5).

2. VBA ReDim

The ReDim statement is used to change the size of an array after it has been declared. You can use the ReDim statement to increase or decrease the array size. Here’s an example:

ReDim myArray(6) As Integer

This changes the size of the “myArray” array to seven elements (indexes 0 to 6).

3. VBA ReDim Preserve

The ReDim Preserve statement is used to change the size of an array while preserving its existing values. You can use the ReDim Preserve statement to increase the size of the array only. Here’s an example:

ReDim Preserve myArray(6) As Integer

This changes the size of the “myArray” array to seven elements (indexes 0 to 6) while preserving its current values.

4. VBA Dynamic Array

A dynamic array can change size during runtime. To declare a dynamic array in VBA Excel, omit the number of elements in the Dim statement. You can use the ReDim statement to change the size of the dynamic array. Here’s an example:

Dim myArray() As Integer

ReDim myArray(5) As Integer

This creates a dynamic array called “myArray” of the Integer data type and then changes its size to five elements (indexes 0 to 5).

5. VBA Multidimensional Array

A multi-dimensional array is an array that has more than one dimension. To declare a multidimensional array in VBA Excel, use the Dim statement with the number of dimensions and the number of elements for each dimension. Here’s an example:

Dim myArray(3,4) As Integer

This creates a two-dimensional array called “myArray” with three rows and four columns (indexes 0 to 3 and 0 to 4, respectively).

6. VBA UBound

The UBound function is used to determine the highest index number of an array. You can use the UBound function to loop through the elements of the array. Here’s an example:

Dim myArray(5) As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(myArray)

‘Do something with myArray(i)

Next i

This loops through the elements of the “myArray” array from index 0 to 5.

7. VBA LBound

The LBound function is used to determine the lowest index number of an array. You can use the LBound function to loop through the elements of the array. Here’s an example:

Dim myArray(2 to 5) As Integer

For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)

‘Do something with myArray(i)

Next i

This loops through the elements of the “myArray” array from index 2 to 5.

How to use VBA Array Function?

VBA ARRAY Function


In conclusion, arrays are a powerful and versatile tool in VBA Excel programming. They allow you to store and manipulate large amounts of data efficiently, and they can be used in a variety of ways to make your code more concise and readable. With features such as dynamic sizing, multi-dimensional capabilities, and functions like ReDim, UBound, and LBound,

VBA Excel arrays can handle a wide range of tasks and make your programming experience more enjoyable. So the next time you’re working on a project in VBA Excel, don’t hesitate to incorporate arrays into your code and unleash their full potential!

Frequently Asked Questions

2In VBA, What is an Array Variable?

An array object in VBA holds a list or group of items.

Why do you use VBA Arrays?

An array is useful for storing a list of things in its memory.

In VBA, What is a Sub?

A Sub-process is a set of Visual Basic statements between the Sub and End Sub statements that does something but don’t give back any information.

Can a String be Written in an Array?


In VBA, What Exactly Does “Integer” Mean?

In VBA, “Integer” is a type of data that we give to variables.

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