How to Bold Text in Concatenate Formula in Excel

How to Bold Text in Concatenate Formula in Excel? Excel is a vital tool that allows users to perform various calculations and operations on data. One common task is combining or merging text from multiple cells using the concatenate formula.

While the concatenate function does not provide an option to format the text, alternative methods exist to achieve bold formatting within the formula.

Overview of Concatenate Formula

Before diving into the formatting options, let’s briefly overview the concatenate formula. The concatenate function combines text from many cells into a single cell. It is often handy when merging data from different sources or creating custom labels.

The basic syntax of the concatenate formula is:

=CONCATENATE(text1, text2, …)

For example, if we have “Hello” in cell A1 and “World” in cell B1, we can use the formula =CONCATENATE(A1, ” “, B1) to combine them into a single cell as “Hello World.”

Bold Formatting in Concatenate Formula

While the concatenate formula doesn’t have a built-in option for formatting, we can achieve bold formatting using a combination of concatenate with other functions like the CHAR function and the cell formatting options in Excel.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to incorporating bold formatting in a concatenate formula:

Step 1: Open a new worksheet and enter the text or values you want to concatenate into separate cells. Let’s use “Hello” in cell A1 and “World” in cell B1 for this example.

Step 2: In an empty cell where you want the concatenated text to appear, enter the following formula:

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The CHAR(10) function inserts a line break between the concatenated texts in this formula. It helps us separate the text and apply it to the format individually. Also, can use the CHAR(32) to separate text.



Step 3: Select the formula cell and go to the Home tab. Click on the small arrow in the Font section to open the dialog box.

Step 4: In the Font dialog box, check the “Bold” checkbox and click “OK” to apply the bold formatting.

Step 5: Now, you will see the concatenated text displayed in the selected cell with the desired bold formatting.

Explanation of the Method

We insert a line break between the text values by incorporating the CHAR(10) function in the concatenate formula. This line break allows us to format the text individually using the cell formatting options. When we apply bold formatting to the cell containing the concatenate formula, it automatically applies to the entire text, including the concatenated parts. It’s important to note that the CHAR(10) function inserts a line break specific to the Windows operating system.


Excel’s concatenate formula doesn’t directly provide bold formatting, but we can use other functions and cell formatting. We may construct bold-formatted concatenated text by inserting a line break with the CHAR function and bold formatting the cell. While this method modifies the formatting of the entire cell, including all the concatenated text, it provides a workaround for adding emphasis to the combined text.

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