How to Combine Excel Files into One Spreadsheet

How to Combine Excel Files into One Spreadsheet? Sometimes, we have to put information from many Excel files into one big spreadsheet to make reports easily. But doing this can be hard, especially when there are lots of files. It takes a lot of time and needs careful work.

This article is here to help with that! It talks about using Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to easily combine information from many Excel files into one single, organized spreadsheet. This makes the task smoother and quicker, addressing the challenges of dealing with numerous files and the time-consuming manual effort usually required.

So, if you want to learn a simple way to put together data from different files in Excel, keep reading!

Benefits of Using VBA:

1. Increase Productivity

VBA makes your computer do the hard work for you. Instead of spending a lot of time combining Excel files one by one, you can use a special code (VBA) to make it happen with just a click. This saves you time and effort.

Example: Imagine you have many files with information, like sales data. VBA helps you quickly put all that information together into one place without you having to copy and paste everything manually.

2. Improve Quality

VBA helps to avoid mistakes. When you’re combining lots of information, it’s easy to make errors if you do it by hand. VBA follows instructions precisely, reducing the chances of getting things wrong.

Example: If you’re putting together a report and accidentally skip a piece of information, VBA ensures that every detail is included correctly.

3. Save More Time

VBA is like a fast and efficient assistant. It helps you finish tasks much quicker than if you were doing them on your own. This means you have more time to do other important things.

Example: Let’s say you usually spend a long-time putting data together from many files. With VBA, you can do the same task in a few minutes, giving you extra time to focus on analyzing the data or working on other projects.

4. Eliminate Manual Intervention

VBA lets your computer do things without needing you to babysit it. Once you set things up, you can press a button, and VBA will do the work without you having to be there the whole time.

Example: Without VBA, you might need to open each file, copy the data, and paste it into a new sheet yourself. VBA takes care of these steps automatically, making your job easier.

Also See: How to Learn VBA Coding in Excel

How to Consolidating Multiple Workbooks Using VBA?

Below is a simple VBA script that you can use to combine data from multiple Excel files into one spreadsheet. This script assumes that all files are located in the same folder and have the same structure (same headers).

Sample Dataset:

Combine Excel Files


ID Name Sales
1001 Peter $5000
1002 Andrew $6000


ID Name Sales
1003 Mark $7000
1004 Paul $8000


ID Name Sales
1001 Peter $5000
1002 Andrew $6000
1003 Mark $7000
1004 Paul $8000

Before using the script, make sure to back up your data as a precaution.

Sub CombineExcelFiles()
Dim SourceFolderPath As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim Sheet As Worksheet
Dim OutputWorkbook As Workbook
Dim SourceWorkbook As Workbook

' Set the Source folder path where your Excel files are located
SourceFolderPath = "C:\Users\umesh\OneDrive\Desktop\SourceFolder\"

' Create a new workbook to consolidate data from the source files
Set OutputWorkbook = Workbooks.Add

' Loop through each file in the source folder
FileName = Dir(SourceFolderPath & "*.xlsx")

Do While FileName <> ""
' Open each workbook from the source folder
Set SourceWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(SourceFolderPath & FileName)

' Copy data from the current workbook to the master workbook
SourceWorkbook.Sheets(1).UsedRange.Copy Destination:=OutputWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(OutputWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1, 1)

' Close the SourceWorkbook workbook
SourceWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False

' Get the next file in the folder
FileName = Dir

' Save the consolidated data
OutputWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Users\umesh\OneDrive\Desktop\SourceFolder\XL_Automation_Consolidated_Files.xlsx"

' Close the master workbook
OutputWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False

MsgBox "Data Consolidated successfully!", vbInformation
End Sub

Steps for Consolidating Worksheets in Excel Using VBA:

  1. Open Excel.
  2. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor.
  3. Insert a new module by clicking Insert > Module.
  4. Copy and paste the above script into the module.
  5. Modify the SourceFolderPath variable to the path where your Excel files are located.
  6. Run the script by pressing F5 or selecting Run > Run Sub in the VBA editor.

This script creates a new workbook, opens each Excel file in the specified folder, and copies the data from the first sheet of each file into the new workbook. The consolidated data is then saved as “XL_Automation_Consolidated_Files.xlsx” in the same folder.


Using VBA in Excel helps you get your work done faster, reduces the chances of mistakes, gives you more time for important things, and allows your computer to handle tasks without needing your constant attention. It’s like having a helpful assistant for your Excel work!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Why should I use VBA to combine Excel files?

VBA simplifies and speeds up the process of combining Excel files. It automates repetitive tasks, saving time and reducing the chances of errors compared to manual methods.

2. Is VBA difficult to learn for a non-programmer?

While VBA might seem complex at first, there are many online resources and tutorials tailored for beginners. With a bit of practice, even non-programmers can grasp the basics and leverage its power for Excel tasks.

3. Can I use VBA to combine files with different headers?

It’s recommended to have consistent headers across files for smoother consolidation. However, with some adjustments to the VBA script, you can handle variations in headers. Ensuring uniformity simplifies the process.

4. Does using VBA require additional software or licenses?

No, VBA is built into Excel, and you don’t need any extra software or licenses. It’s a built-in tool that allows you to automate tasks within Excel.

5. Are there any risks of data loss or corruption when using VBA?

When used correctly, VBA poses minimal risks to your data. However, it’s always a good practice to make a backup of your files before running any automation scripts, especially if you’re trying something new.

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