Percentage Change Calculator in Excel

What is the Formula in Excel for Percentage Chnage?

Percentage Change Calculator in Excel. Excel offers two ways to calculate percentage change by using a decimal or by using a percentage format. The first method requires you to divide the difference between the new and old values by the old value and then format the result as a percentage. The second method involves multiplying the decimal result by 100 and then formatting the cell as a percentage.

In Excel, you can Calculate the Percentage Change Between two Numbers Using the Following Formula:

=(new_value – old_value) / old_value

To convert this to a percentage, you can multiply the result by 100:

=((new_value – old_value) / old_value) * 100

How Do You Calculate Percent Change in Excel?

Here’s an example of how you can use this formula in Excel to calculate the percentage change in Excel:

percentage change formula in excel
percentage change formula in excel
  1. Enter the old value in cell A2 and the new value in cell B2.
  2. In cell C2, enter the formula =(B2-A2)/A2.
  3. Press Enter to calculate the percentage change as a decimal.
  4. In cell D2, enter the formula =C2*100.
  5. Press Enter to convert the result to a percentage.


output percentage change formula in excel

Alternatively, you can also combine the two formulas into one using the following formula in Excel:

=((new_value – old_value) / old_value) * 100

Here’s an example of how you can use this combined formula in Excel to calculate the percentage change in Excel:

combined percentage change formula in excel
combined percentage change formula in excel
  1. Enter the old value in cell A2 and the new value in cell B2.
  2. In cell C2, enter the formula =((B2-A2)/A2)*100.
  3. Press Enter to calculate the percentage change as a percentage.


output combined percentage change formula in excel

The result will be the percentage change between the two numbers.

How Do I Calculate Percentage Increase and Decrease in Excel?

To calculate the percentage increase or decrease between two values in Excel, you can use the following formula:

Percentage increase/decrease = ((new_value – old_value) / old_value) * 100

combined percentage change formula in excel

Here are the Steps to use This Formula: Percentage Change Calculator in Excel

  1. Enter the old value in cell A2 and the new value in cell B2.
  2. In a third cell C2, enter the formula =(new_value – old_value) / old_value.
  3. Press Enter to calculate the percentage change as a decimal.
  4. Format the cell as a percentage by selecting the cell, clicking on the “Home” tab in the ribbon, and selecting the “Percentage” button from the “Number” group.

Alternatively, you can also use the following formula to display the result as a percentage in one step:

Percentage increase/decrease = ((new value – old value) / old value) * 100%

Here are the Steps to use This Formula: Percentage Change Calculator in Excel

  1. Enter the old value in one cell A2 and the new value in another cell B2.
  2. In a third cell C2, enter the formula =((new_value – old_value) / old_value) * 100%.
  3. Press Enter to calculate the percentage change as a percentage.

The result will be the percentage increase or decrease between the two values. If the result is positive, it represents a percentage increase, and if the result is negative, it represents a percentage decrease.


In conclusion, calculating percentage change in Excel is a straightforward process that involves using a simple formula. By comparing two values, Excel can quickly calculate the percentage change between them, which can help you analyze data and make informed decisions.

Using these methods, you can quickly calculate percentage changes for a variety of applications, such as tracking sales or analyzing financial data. Excel provides a powerful tool for performing complex calculations with ease, allowing you to save time and focus on interpreting and making decisions based on your data.

Tags: Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Excel Office

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